I’m Dreaming of a White Christmas

Today I’m dreaming of a white Christmas!

There is always something special about this time of year regardless of where you spend it, but there is something extra magical when you spend Christmas in the snow. The scent of roasting chestnuts floating through the town from the Winter Christmas Markets, the sounds of carolling, and the beautiful decorations glittering just that little bit extra whilst reflecting in the snow all around.

Whilst we may be in for a soggy Christmas in Sydney this year, or possibly one that’s stiflingly hot, I imagine it certainly won’t be snowing! Perhaps it’s the travel restrictions or the rain that’s pouring down outside my window today that have me dreaming that little bit more….

This little creation came from one of my whimsical thoughts of Christmas far away from here, and whilst I certainly do love Christmas in Australia, it’s always nice to be transported to a land far away, even if for just a few moments…


Winter is coming…